Discover Smarties

Our creative and open-ended resources provide children the opportunity to share, compromise and engage with their peers whilst developing a range of skills and processes.


Developing exciting and meaningful experiences to promote independence and autonomy is central to our 2-3 age group. The daily routine is based around the needs of the children and provides adequate time for children to play, explore and simply be in the environment.

Our creative and open-ended resources provide children the opportunity to share, compromise and engage with their peers whilst developing a range of skills and processes. Our focus is forming secure relationships with all children to help build a sense of trust. This helps children feel confident to explore our spacious indoor and outdoor learning environments, knowing that they have a safe relationship to support them when needed.

Self-help skills are actively promoted and encouraged. Children, with the help of adults, are supported to self-feed, go to the toilet by themselves and washing their own hands. We understand that these tasks are often frustrating to learn, so be assured that our supportive educators will be on hand to help where needed.

Songs, chants, rhymes and story-telling are ways that we support children’s developing language. Children naturally pick up language when exposed to a literacy rich environment, so we utilise transition times, quiet times and daily play experiences to develop these skills.